.. role:: underline :class: underline .. role:: bolditalic :class: bolditalic ******************** Building Stand-Alone ******************** ===================== Software Requirements ===================== Before installing the UPP code, it is necessary to ensure that you have the required libraries available on your system. These libraries include: - The external NCEP libraries https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/NCEPLIBS-external - The NCEP libraries https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/NCEPLIBS An introduction of each can be found in their respective top level :bolditalic:`README.md` files. Detailed instructions for building the libraries on various platforms can be found in the **NCEPLIBS-external/doc** directory. Certain machines do have the NCEP libraries in a pre-installed location for use to build UPP. Paths to these pre-installed libraries are available on the `UFS-SRW wiki `_ and include platform name and compiler version. ============================ Obtaining and Installing UPP ============================ Building and running UPP V9.0.0 has been tested on the following platforms using pre-configured libraries. +---------------+----------------------+ | System | Compiler and Version | +===============+======================+ | NCAR Cheyenne | Intel 19.1.1 | | +----------------------+ | | GNU 9.1.0 | +---------------+----------------------+ | NOAA Hera | Intel | +---------------+----------------------+ Move to the directory where you want to clone and build UPP and clone the repository into the directory EMC_post. .. code-block:: console git clone -b release-tag-name --recurse-submodules https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/EMC_post where, ``release-tag-name`` is the release tag you wish to clone (e.g. for stand-alone UPP version 9, use the release tag :bolditalic:`upp_v9.0.0`). Move into the top level UPP directory and create and move into the build directory. Then build the UPP code using the cmake utility. The path ``INSTALL_PREFIX`` should point to the location of the pre-installed NCEP libraries. .. code-block:: console cd EMC_post mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=${INSTALL_PREFIX} make install .. note:: To build in debug mode, you can add :bolditalic:`-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug` to the cmake command. This removes compiler optimization flags and adds -g to the fortran compilation. You can also use :bolditalic:`-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELWITHDEBINFO`, which gives the -g, but keeps the -O2 optimization for the fortran compilation. Move back to the top level UPP directory and create a directory for the CRTM fix files to be unpacked in. Download the fix files from the Github `release page `_ or use the wget command. Unpack the tar file. .. code-block:: console cd ../ mkdir crtm && cd crtm wget https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/EMC_post/releases/download/upp_v9.0.0/fix.tar.gz tar -xzf fix.tar.gz .. note:: To make a clean build, simply remove both the **/build** directory and the :bolditalic:`bin/ncep_post` executable and then re-create the build from step #2. This is recommended if a mistake is made during the installation process. If a simple change is made to the code, you can simply type :bolditalic:`make install` again in the pre-existing build directory. ======================= UPP Directory Structure ======================= Under the main directory **EMC_post** reside the following relevant subdirectories (The * indicates a directory that exists only after the build is complete): | **bin***: Contains the :bolditalic:`ncep_post` executable after successful compilation | **build**: Contains the UPP build | **include***: Contains include modules built/used during compilation of UPP | **lib***: Libraries built/used by UPP that are separate from NCEPlibs | **parm**: Contains parameter files, which can be modified by the user to control how the post processing is performed. | **scripts**: Contains a sample run script to process fv3 history files. | - **run_upp**: runs :bolditalic:`ncep_post`. | **sorc**: Contains source codes for: | - **ncep_post.fd**: Source code for the UPP