Fields Requested in the UPP Parameter Table for SRW BGRD3D

Field description (column 1), level type as defined by WMO (column 2), abbreviated names as they appear in the Grib2 output file (column 3), and number of levels output (column 4).

No. Field Description Level Type Short Name nlvl
1 Height on pressure surface isobaric HGT 4
2 Temperature on pressure surface isobaric TMP 5
3 Relative humidity on pressure surface isobaric RH 4
4 U component of wind on pressure surface isobaric UGRD 4
5 V component of wind on pressure surface isobaric VGRD 4
6 Omega on pressure surface isobaric VVEL 4
7 Specific humidity on pressure surface isobaric SPFH 4
8 Absolute vorticity on pressure surface isobaric ABSV 4
9 Pressure on model surface hybrid PRES 64
10 Height on model surface hybrid HGT 64
11 Temperature on model surface hybrid TMP 64
12 Specific humidity on model surface hybrid SPFH 64
13 U component of wind on model surface hybrid UGRD 64
14 V component of wind on model surface hybrid VGRD 64
15 Omega on model surface hybrid VVEL 64
16 Vertical velocity on model surface hybrid DZDT 64
17 Turbulent kinetic energy on model surface hybrid TKE 64
18 Temperature tendency from grid scale latent heat release (time-averaged) hybrid LRGHR 64
19 Mesinger (Membrane) sea level pressure mean sea level MSLET 1
20 Shuell sea level pressure mean sea level PRES 1
21 Temperature at 2m height agl TMP 1
22 Specific humidity at 2m height agl SPFH 1
23 Dew point temperature at 2m height agl DPT 1
24 Relative humidity at 2m height agl RH 1
25 U component of wind at 10m height agl UGRD 1
26 V component of wind at 10m height agl VGRD 1
27 Potential temperature at 10m height agl POT 1
28 Specific humidity at 10m height agl SPFH 1
29 Surface Pressure surface PRES 1
30 Terrain height surface HGT 1
31 Skin potential temperature surface POT 1
32 Skin specific humidity surface SPFH 1
33 Skin temperature surface TMP 1
34 Maximum updraft vertical velocity (10-100 hPa) isobaric MAXUVV 1
35 Maximum downdraft vertical velocity (10-100 hPa) isobaric MAXDVV 1
36 Maximum updraft helicity (0-3 km) height agl MXUPHL 1
37 Maximum updraft helicity (2-5 km) height agl MXUPHL 1
38 Minimum updraft helicity (2-5 km) height agl MNUPHL 1
39 Minimum updraft helicity (0-3 km) height agl MNUPHL 1
40 Maximum relative vertical vorticity (0-1 km) height agl RELV 1
41 Maximum relative vertical vorticity at hybrid level 1 hybrid RELV 1
42 Maximum relative vertical vorticity (0-2 km) height agl RELV 1
43 Maximum U-component wind at 10m height agl MAXUW 1
44 Maximum V-component wind at 10m height agl MAXVW 1
45 Maximum derived radar reflectivity at 1 km height agl MAXREF 1
46 Maximum derived radar reflectivity at -10 C isothermal MAXREF 1
47 Radar reflectivity at -10 C isothermal REFD 1
48 Maximum 2m temperature height agl TMAX 1
49 Minimum 2m temperature height agl TMIN 1
50 Maximum 2m RH height agl MAXRH 1
51 Minimum 2m RH height agl MINRH 1
52 Soil temperature in between each soil layer depth below land surface TSOIL 4
53 Soil moisture in between each soil layer depth below land surface SOILW 4
54 Total soil moisture depth below land surface SOILM 1
55 Heat exchange coeff at surface surface SFEXC 1
56 Vegetation cover surface VEG 1
57 Soil moisture availability depth below land surface MSTAV 1
58 Soil temperature at 3m depth below land surface TSOIL 1
59 Ground heat flux (instantaneous) surface GFLUX 1
60 Plant canopy surface water surface CNWAT 1
61 Snow water equivalent surface WEASD 1
62 Lifted index—best pressure above ground 4LFTX 1
63 Column integrated precipitable water entire atmosphere PWAT 1
64 Accumulated total precipitation surface APCP 1
65 Accumulated grid-scale precipitation surface NCPCP 1
66 Continuous accumulated total precipitation surface APCP 1
67 Continuous accumulated grid-scale precipitation surface NCPCP 1
68 Accumulated snowfall surface WEASD 1
69 Accumulated total snow melt surface SNOM 1
70 Accumulated storm surface runoff surface SSRUN 1
71 Accumulated base flow runoff surface BGRUN 1
72 Categorical rain (instantaneous) surface CRAIN 1
73 Categorical snow (instantaneous) surface CSNOW 1
74 Categorical ice pellets (instantaneous) surface CICEP 1
75 Categorical freezing rain (instantaneous) surface CFRZR 1
76 Precipitation rate (instantaneous) surface PRATE 1
77 Fraction of frozen precipitation surface CPOFP 1
78 Cloud water mixing ratio on model surface hybrid CLWMR 64
79 Cloud ice mixing ratio on model surface hybrid ICMR 64
80 Graupel mixing ratio on mmodel surface hybrid GRLE 64
81 Cloud fraction on model surface hybrid TCDC 64
82 Rain mixing ratio on model surface hybrid RWMR 64
83 Snow mixing ratio on model surface hybrid SNMR 64
84 Rimming factor for Ferrier scheme on model surface hybrid RIME 64
85 Total condensate for Ferrier scheme on mode surface hybrid TCOND 64
86 Model level fraction of rain for Ferrier scheme hybrid FRAIN 64
87 Model level fraction of ice for Ferrier scheme hybrid FICE 64
88 Low level cloud fraction low cloud layer LCDC 1
89 Mid level cloud fraction mid cloud layer MCDC 1
90 High level cloud fraction high cloud layer HCDC 1
91 Total cloud fraction entire atmosphere TCDC 1
92 Total cloud fraction (time-averaged) entire atmosphere TCDC 1
93 stratospheric cloud fraction (time-averaged) entire atmosphere CDLYR 1
94 Outgoing surface shortwave radiation (instantaneous) surface USWRF 1
95 Outgoing surface longwave radiation (instantaneous) surface ULWRF 1
96 Incoming surface shortwave radiation (time-averaged) surface DSWRF 1
97 Incoming surface longwave radiation (time-averaged) surface DLWRF 1
98 Outgoing surface shortwave radiation (time-averaged) surface USWRF 1
99 Outgoing surface longwave radiation (time-averaged) surface ULWRF 1
100 Outgoing model top shortwave radiation (time-averaged) top of atmosphere USWRF 1
101 Outgoing model top longwave radiation (time-averaged) top of atmosphere ULWRF 1
102 Incoming surface shortwave radiation (instantaneous) surface DSWRF 1
103 Incoming surface longwave radiation (instantaneous) surface DLWRF 1
104 Clear sky incoming surface shortwave (instantaneous) surface CSDSF 1
105 Roughness length surface SFCR 1
106 Friction velocity surface FRICV 1
107 Surface drag coefficient surface CD 1
108 Surface u wind stress surface UFLX 1
109 Surface v wind stress surface VFLX 1
110 Surface sensible heat flux (time-averaged) surface SHTFL 1
111 Ground heat flux (time-averaged) surface GFLUX 1
112 Snow phase change heat flux (time-averaged) surface SNOHF 1
113 Surface latent heat flux (time-averaged) surface LHTFL 1
114 Accumulated surface evaporation surface EVP 1
115 Accumulated potential evaporation surface PEVAP 1
116 Surface sensible heat flux (instantaneous) surface SHTFL 1
117 Surface latent heat flux (instantaneous) surface LHTFL 1
118 Latitude surface NLAT 1
119 Longitude surface ELON 1
120 Land sea mask (land=1 sea=0) surface LAND 1
121 Sea ice mask surface ICEC 1
122 Mass point at eta surface mask surface LMH 1
123 Velocity point at eta surface mask surface LMV 1
124 Surface albedo surface ALBDO 1
125 Sea surface temperature surface WTMP 1
126 Pressure in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl PRES 6
127 Temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl TMP 6
128 Potential temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl POT 1
129 Dew point temperature in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl DPT 1
130 Specific humidity in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl SPFH 6
131 RH in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl RH 6
132 Moisture convergence in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl MCONV 1
133 Precipitable water in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl PWAT 1
134 U wind in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl UGRD 6
135 V wind in boundary layer (30 mb means) pressure agl VGRD 6
136 Accumulated land surface model precipitation surface LSPA 1
137 Model top pressure top of atmosphere PRES 1
138 Pressure thickness hybrid PRES 1
139 Sigma pressure thickness hybrid PRES 1
140 Plant canopy surface water surface CNWAT 1
141 Ground heat flux (instantaneous) surface GFLUX 1
142 Lifted index—surface based (500-1000 hPa) isobaric LFTX 1
143 Convective available potential energy surface CAPE 1
144 Best cape pressure above ground CAPE 1
145 Mixed layer cape pressure above ground CAPE 1
146 Unstable cape pressure above ground CAPE 1
147 Convective inhibition surface CIN 1
148 Best cin pressure above ground CIN 1
149 Mixed layer cin pressure above ground CIN 1
150 Unstable cin pressure above ground CIN 1
151 LCL level pressure pressure layer agl PLPL 1
152 Helicity height agl HLCY 2
153 U component storm motion height agl USTM 1
154 V component storm motion height agl VSTM 1
155 Cloud bottom pressure cloud base PRES 1
156 Cloud top pressure cloud top PRES 1
157 Cloud top temperature cloud top TMP 1
158 Pressure at tropopause tropopause PRES 1
159 Height at tropopause tropopause HGT 1
160 Temperature at tropopause tropopause TMP 1
161 U component of wind at tropopause tropopause UGRD 1
162 V component of wind at tropopause tropopause VGRD 1
163 Wind shear at tropopause tropopause VWSH 1
164 Temperature at flight levels height msl TMP 10
165 U component of wind at flight levels height msl UGRD 10
166 V component of wind at flight levels height msl VGRD 10
167 Freezing level height 0 degree isotherm HGT 1
168 Freezing level relative humidity 0 degree isotherm RH 1
169 Highest freezing level height highest tropospheric frz lvl HGT 1
170 Maximum wind pressure level max wind PRES 1
171 Maximum wind height max wind HGT 1
172 U-component of maximum wind max wind UGRD 1
173 V-component of maximum wind max wind VGRD 1
174 Maximum wind speed at 10m height agl WIND 1
175 Cloud bottom height (above MSL) cloud base HGT 1
176 Cloud top height (above MSL) cloud top HGT 1
177 Visibility surface VIS 1
178 Composite radar reflectivity entire atmosphere REFC 1
179 Grid scale cloud bottom pressure grid scale cloud bottom PRES 1
180 Grid scale cloud top pressure grid scale cloud top PRES 1
181 Column integrated cloud water entire atmosphere TCOLW 1
182 Column integrated cloud ice entire atmosphere TCOLI 1
183 Column integrated rain entire atmosphere TCOLR 1
184 Column integrated snow entire atmosphere TCOLS 1
185 Column integrated total condensate entire atmosphere TCOLC 1
186 Column integrated graupel entire atmosphere TCOLG 1
187 Vegetation type surface VGTYP 1
188 Soil type surface SOTYP 1
189 Canopy conductance surface CCOND 1
190 Planetary boundary layer height surface HPBL 1
191 Snow depth surface SNOD 1
192 Snow sublimation surface SBSNO 1
193 Air dry soil moisture surface SMDRY 1
194 Soil moist porosity surface POROS 1
195 Minimum stomatal resistance surface RSMIN 1
196 Number of root layers surface RLYRS 1
197 Soil moist wilting point surface WILT 1
198 Soil moist reference surface SMREF 1
199 Canopy conductance - solar component surface RCS 1
200 Canopy conductance - temperature component surface RCT 1
201 Canopy conductance - humidity component surface RCQ 1
202 Canopy conductance - soil component surface RCSOL 1
203 Potential evaporation surface PEVPR 1
204 Surface wind gust surface GUST 1
205 Lowest wet bulb zero height lowest lvl wet bulb zero HGT 1
206 Leaf area index surface LAI 1
207 Clear sky incoming surface shortwave (instantaneous) surface CSDSF 1
208 Cloud fraction on sigma surface sigma TCDC 22
209 Richardson number planetary boundary layer height planetary boundary layer HGT 1
210 Mixing height surface MIXHT 1
211 Temperature at 10m height agl TMP 1
212 Time-averaged percentage snow cover surface SNOWC 1
213 Time-averaged surface pressure surface PRES 1
214 Time-averaged 10m temperature height agl TMP 1
215 Time-averaged mass exchange coefficient surface AKHS 1
216 Time-averaged wind exchange coefficient surface AKMS 1