Fields Requested in the UPP Parameter Table for MRWΒΆ

Field description (column 1), level type as defined by WMO (column 2), abbreviated names as they appear in the Grib2 output file (column 3), and number of levels output (column 4).

No. Field Description Level Type Short Name nlvl
1 Height on pressure surface isobaric HGT 57
2 Temperature on pressure surface isobaric TMP 57
3 Specific humidity on pressure surface isobaric SPFH 57
4 Relative humidity on pressure surface isobaric RH 57
5 U component of wind on pressure surface isobaric UGRD 57
6 V component of wind on pressure surface isobaric VGRD 57
7 Vertical velocity on pressure surface isobaric DZDT 45
8 Omega on pressure surface isobaric VVEL 45
9 Absolute vorticity on pressure surface isobaric ABSV 57
10 Ozone on pressure surface isobaric O3MR 32
11 Cloud water mixing ratio on pressure surface isobaric CLWMR 39
12 Cloud ice mixing ratio on pressure surface isobaric ICMR 39
13 Rain mixing ratio on pressure surface isobaric RWMR 39
14 Snow mixing ratio on pressure surface isobaric SNMR 39
15 Graupel mixing ratio on pressure surface isobaric GRLE 39
16 Composite radar reflectivity entire atmosphere REFC 1
17 Mesinger (Membrane) sea level pressure mean sea level MSLET 1
18 Shuell sea level pressure mean sea level PRES 1
19 Temperature at 2m height agl TMP 1
20 Specific humidity at 2m height agl SPFH 1
21 Dew point temperature at 2m height agl DPT 1
22 Relative humidity at 2m height agl RH 1
23 U component of wind at 10m height agl UGRD 1
24 V component of wind at 10m height agl VGRD 1
25 Surface Pressure surface PRES 1
26 Terrain height surface HGT 1
27 Skin temperature surface TMP 1
28 Soil temperature in between each soil layer depth below land surface TSOIL 4
29 Soil moisture in between each soil layer depth below land surface SOILW 4
30 Liquid soil moisture in between each soil layer depth below land surface SOILL 4
31 Plant canopy surface water surface CNWAT 1
32 Snow water equivalent surface WEASD 1
33 Potential evaporation surface PEVPR 1
34 Ice thickness surface ICETK 1
35 Snow depth surface SNOD 1
36 Wilting point surface WILT 1
37 Field Capacity surface FLDCP 1
38 Surface lifted index surface LFTX 1
39 Best lifted index (4 layer) surface 4LFTX 1
40 Parcel lifted index pressure above ground PLI 1
41 Convective available potential energy surface CAPE 1
42 Best cape pressure above ground CAPE 1
43 Unstable cape pressure above ground CAPE 1
44 Convective inhibition surface CIN 1
45 Best cin pressure above ground CIN 1
46 Unstable cin pressure above ground CIN 1
47 Column integrated precipitable water entire atmosphere PWAT 1
48 Helicity height agl HLCY 1
49 U component storm motion height agl USTM 1
50 V component storm motion height agl VSTM 1
51 Accumulated total precipitation surface APCP 1
52 Accumulated convective precipitation surface ACPCP 1
53 Accumulated grid-scale precipitation surface NCPCP 1
54 Continuous accumulated total precipitation surface APCP 1
55 Continuous accumulated convective precipitation surface ACPCP 1
56 Continuous accumulated grid-scale precipitation surface NCPCP 1
57 Categorical rain (instantaneous) surface CRAIN 1
58 Categorical snow (instantaneous) surface CSNOW 1
59 Categorical ice pellets (instantaneous) surface CICEP 1
60 Categorical freezing rain (instantaneous) surface CFRZR 1
61 Categorical rain (average) surface CRAIN 1
62 Categorical snow (average) surface CSNOW 1
63 Categorical ice pellets (average) surface CICEP 1
64 Categorical freezing rain (average) surface CFRZR 1
65 Average precipitation rate surface PRATE 1
66 Average convective precipitation rate surface CPRAT 1
67 Average low cloud fraction low cloud layer TCDC 1
68 Average mid cloud fraction mid cloud layer TCDC 1
69 Average high cloud fraction high cloud layer TCDC 1
70 Average total cloud fraction entire atmosphere TCDC 1
71 Visibility surface VIS 1
72 Average incoming surface shortwave radiation surface DSWRF 1
73 Average clear sky incoming UV-B shortwave surface CDUVB 1
74 Average incoming UV-B shortwave surface DUVB 1
75 Average incoming surface longwave radiation surface DLWRF 1
76 Average outgoing surface shortwave radiation surface USWRF 1
77 Average outgoing surface longwave radiation surface ULWRF 1
78 Average outgoing model top shortwave radiation top of atmosphere USWRF 1
79 Average outgoing model top longwave radiation top of atmosphere ULWRF 1
80 Total spectrum brightness temperature top of atmosphere BRTMP 1
81 Roughness length surface SFCR 1
82 Friction velocity surface FRICV 1
83 Average surface sensible heat flux surface SHTFL 1
84 Average ground heat flux surface GFLUX 1
85 Average surface latent heat flux surface LHTFL 1
86 Average surface zonal momentum flux surface UFLX 1
87 Average surface meridional momentum flux surface VFLX 1
88 Land sea mask (land=1 sea=0) surface LAND 1
89 Sea ice mask surface ICEC 1
90 Average albedo surface ALBDO 1
91 Pressure at tropopause tropopause PRES 1
92 Height at tropopause tropopause HGT 1
93 Temperature at tropopause tropopause TMP 1
94 U component of wind at tropopause tropopause UGRD 1
95 V component of wind at tropopause tropopause VGRD 1
96 Wind shear at tropopause tropopause VWSH 1
97 Temperature at flight levels height msl TMP 8
98 U component of wind at flight levels height msl UGRD 8
99 V component of wind at flight levels height msl VGRD 8
100 Temperature at flight levels height agl TMP 2
101 U component of wind at flight levels height agl UGRD 6
102 V component of wind at flight levels height agl VGRD 6
103 Pressure at flight levels height agl PRES 1
104 Specific humidity at flight levels height agl SPFH 1
105 Freezing level height 0 degree isotherm HGT 1
106 Freezing level relative humidity 0 degree isotherm RH 1
107 Highest freezing level height highest tropospheric frz lvl HGT 1
108 Highest freezing level relative humidity highest tropospheric frz lvl RH 1
109 Temperature in layer between pressure levels pressure layer agl TMP 6
110 Dew point temperature in layer between pressure levels pressure layer agl DPT 1
111 Specific humidity in layer between pressure levels pressure layer agl SPFH 6
112 Relative humidity in layer between pressure levels pressure layer agl RH 6
113 Precipitable water in layer between pressure levels pressure layer agl PWAT 1
114 U component of wind in layer between pressure levels pressure layer agl UGRD 6
115 V component of wind in layer between pressure levels pressure layer agl VGRD 6
116 Relative humidity on sigma level 0.33-1.0 sigma level RH 1
117 Relative humidity on sigma level 0.44-1.0 sigma level RH 1
118 Relative humidity on sigma level 0.72-0.94 sigma level RH 1
119 Relative humidity on sigma level 0.44-0.72 sigma level RH 1
120 Temperature on sigma level 0.9950 sigma level TMP 1
121 Potential temperature on sigma level 0.9950 sigma level POT 1
122 Relative humidity on sigma level 0.9950 sigma level RH 1
123 U component of wind on sigma level 0.9950 sigma level UGRD 1
124 V component of wind on sigma level 0.9950 sigma level VGRD 1
125 Omega on sigma level 0.9950 sigma level VVEL 1
126 Maximum wind pressure level max wind PRES 1
127 Maximum wind height max wind HGT 1
128 U component of maximum wind max wind UGRD 1
129 V component of maximum wind max wind VGRD 1
130 Temperature at maximum wind level max wind TMP 1
131 Planetary boundary layer height surface HPBL 1
132 Convective cloud bottom pressure convective cloud bottom PRES 1
133 Convective cloud top pressure convective cloud top PRES 1
134 Average low cloud bottom pressure low cloud bottom PRES 1
135 Average mid cloud bottom pressure mid cloud bottom PRES 1
136 Average high cloud bottom pressure high cloud bottom PRES 1
137 Average low cloud top pressure low cloud top PRES 1
138 Average mid cloud top pressure mid cloud top PRES 1
139 Average high cloud top pressure high cloud top PRES 1
140 Average low cloud top temperature low cloud top TMP 1
141 Average mid cloud top temperature mid cloud top TMP 1
142 Average high cloud top temperature high cloud top TMP 1
143 Total cloud fraction on convective cloud layer entire atmosphere TCDC 1
144 Column integrated cloud water entire atmosphere CWAT 1
145 Total column relative humidity entire atmosphere RH 1
146 Total column ozone entire atmosphere TOZNE 1
147 Surface wind gust surface GUST 1
148 LCL level pressure pressure layer agl PLPL 1
149 Cloud fraction on pressure surface isobaric TCDC 39
150 U component of wind on theta surface isentropic UGRD 1
151 V component of wind on theta surface isentropic VGRD 1
152 Temperature on theta surface isentropic TMP 1
153 Potential vorticity on theta surface isentropic PVORT 1
154 Montgomery stream function on theta surface isentropic MNTSF 1
155 U component of wind on constant PV surface potential vorticity surface UGRD 8
156 V component of wind on constant PV surface potential vorticity surface VGRD 8
157 Temperature on constant PV surface potential vorticity surface TMP 8
158 Height on constant PV surface potential vorticity surface HGT 8
159 Pressure on constant PV surface potential vorticity surface PRES 8
160 Wind shear on constant PV surface potential vorticity surface VWSH 8
161 Average planetary boundary layer cloud fraction boundary layer cloud layer TCDC 1
162 Cloud work function entire atmosphere CWORK 1
163 Average zonal gravity wave stress surface U-GWD 1
164 Average meridional gravity wave stress surface V-GWD 1
165 Average water runoff surface WATR 1
166 Maximum 2m temperature height agl TMAX 1
167 Minimum 2m temperature height agl TMIN 1
168 ICAO height at maximum wind level max wind ICAHT 1
169 ICAO height at tropopause tropopause ICAHT 1
170 Sunshine duration surface SUNSD 1
171 Transport u component of wind planetary boundary layer UGRD 1
172 Transport v component of wind planetary boundary layer VGRD 1
173 Ventilation rate planetary boundary layer VRATE 1
174 Haines index surface HINDEX 1
175 Fraction of frozen precipitation surface CPOFP 1
176 Apparent temperature at 2m height agl APTMP 1
177 Instantaneous precipitation rate surface PRATE 1
178 Convective precipitation rate surface CPRAT 1
179 Snow mixing ratio on model surface hybrid SNMR 1
180 Rain mixing ratio on model surface hybrid RWMR 1
181 Cloud water mixing ratio on model surface hybrid CLWMR 1
182 Cloud ice mixing ratio on model surface hybrid ICMR 1
183 Graupel mixing ratio on model surface hybrid GRLE 1
184 Ice growth rate height msl ICEG 1
185 Soil type surface SOTYP 1
186 Vegetation cover surface VEG 1
187 Sea ice skin temperature surface ICETMP 1