GRIB2 Fields Produced by UPP

GRIB2 fields produced by UPP (column 1), abbreviated names used in the postcntrl.xml file (column 2), corresponding standard grib2 pname (column 3), corresponding grib identification number for the vertical coordinate (column 4), and corresponding array location UPP uses to store the variable in parallel arrays (column 5).

Field Description Name in Grib2 Control File Grib2 pname Vertical Level UPP ID
Radar reflectivity on model surface* REFD_ON_HYBRID_LVL REFD 109 250
Pressure on model surface PRES_ON_HYBRID_LVL PRES 109 1
Height on model surface HGT_ON_HYBRID_LVL HGT 109 77
Temperature on model surface TMP_ON_HYBRID_LVL TMP 109 2
Potential temperature on model surface POT_ON_HYBRID_LVL POT 109 3
Dew point temperature on model surface DPT_ON_HYBRID_LVL DPT 109 4
Specific humidity on model surface SPFH_ON_HYBRID_LVL SPFH 109 5
Relative humidity on model surface RH_ON_HYBRID_LVL RH 109 6
Moisture convergence on model surface MCONV_ON_HYBRID_LVL MCONV 109 83
U component wind on model surface UGRD_ON_HYBRID_LVL UGRD 109 7
V component wind on model surface VGRD_ON_HYBRID_LVL VGRD 109 8
Cloud water on model surface CLWMR_ON_HYBRID_LVL CLWMR 109 124
Cloud ice on model surface CICE_ON_HYBRID_LVL CICE 109 125
Rain on model surface RWMR_ON_HYBRID_LVL RWMR 109 181
Snow on model surface SNMR_ON_HYBRID_LVL SNMR 109 182
Cloud fraction on model surface TCDC_ON_HYBRID_LVL TCDC 109 145
Omega on model surface VVEL_ON_HYBRID_LVL VVEL 109 9
Absolute vorticity on model surface ABSV_ON_HYBRID_LVL ABSV 109 10
Geostrophic streamfunction on model surface STRM_ON_HYBRID_LVL STRM 109 84
Turbulent kinetic energy on model surface TKE_ON_HYBRID_LVL TKE 109 11
Richardson number on model surface RI_ON_HYBRID_LVL RI 109 111
Master length scale on model surface BMIXL_ON_HYBRID_LVL BMIXL 109 146
Asymptotic length scale on model surface AMIXL_ON_HYBRID_LVL AMIXL 109 147
Radar reflectivity on pressure surface* REFD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC REFD 100 251
Height on pressure surface HGT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC HGT 100 12
Temperature on pressure surface TMP_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TMP 100 13
Potential temperature on pressure surface POT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC POT 100 14
Dew point temperature on pressure surface DPT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC DPT 100 15
Specific humidity on pressure surface SPFH_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC SPFH 100 16
Relative humidity on pressure surface RH_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC RH 100 17
Moisture convergence on pressure surface MCONV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC MCONV 100 85
U component wind on pressure surface UGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC UGRD 100 18
V component wind on pressure surface VGRD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC VGRD 100 19
Omega on pressure surface VVEL_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC VVEL 100 20
Absolute vorticity on pressure surface ABSV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ABSV 100 21
Geostrophic streamfunction on pressure surface STRM_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC STRM 100 86
Turbulent kinetic energy on pressure surface TKE_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TKE 100 22
Cloud water on pressure surface CLWMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC CLWMR 100 153
Cloud ice on pressure surface CICE_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC CICE 100 166
Rain on pressure surface RWMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC RWMR 100 183
Snow water on pressure surface SNMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC SNMR 100 184
Total condensate on pressure surface TCOND_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TCOND 100 198
Mesinger (Membrane) sea level pressure MSLET_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL MSLET 102 23
Shuell sea level pressure PRES_ON_MEAN_SEA_LVL PRMSL 102 105
2 M pressure PRES_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m PRES 105 138
2 M temperature TMP_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m TMP 105 106
2 M specific humidity SPFH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m SPFH 105 112
2 M mixing ratio Not currently available for grib2 NA 105 414
2 M dew point temperature DPT_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m DPT 105 113
10 M u component wind UGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m UGRD 105 64
10 M v component wind VGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m VGRD 105 65
10 M potential temperature POT_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m POT 105 158
10 M specific humidity SPFH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m SPFH 105 159
Surface pressure PRES_ON_SURFACE PRES 1 24
Terrain height HGT_ON_SURFACE HGT 1 25
Skin potential temperature POT_ON_SURFACE POT 1 27
Skin specific humidity SPFH_ON_SURFACE SPFH 1 28
Skin dew point temperature DPT_ON_SURFACE DPT 1 29
Skin Relative humidity RH_ON_SURFACE RH 1 76
Skin temperature TMP_ON_SURFACE TMP 1 26
Soil temperature at the bottom of soil layers TSOIL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC_3m TSOIL 111 115/571
Soil temperature in between each of soil layers TSOIL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC TSOIL 112 116
Soil moisture in between each of soil layers SOILW_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC SOILW 112 117
Snow water equivalent WEASD_ON_SURFACE WEASD 1 119
Snow cover in percentage SNOWC_ON_SURFACE SNOWC 1 120
Heat exchange coeff at surface SFEXC_ON_SURFACE SFEXC 1 169
Vegetation cover VEG_ON_SURFACE VEG 1 170
Soil moisture availability MSTAV_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC MSTAV 112 171
Ground heat flux - instantaneous INST_GFLUX_ON_SURFACE GFLUX 1 152
Lifted index—surface based LFTX_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_500-1000hpa LFTX 101 30
Lifted index—best 4LFTX_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND 4LFTX 116 31
Lifted index—from boundary layer PLI_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND PLI 116 75
CAPE (4 types) *** CAPE_ON_SURFACE CAPE 1 32
CIN (4 types) *** CIN_ON_SURFACE CIN 1 107
Column integrated precipitable water PWAT_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR PWAT 200 80
Column integrated cloud water TCOLW_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCOLW 200 200
Column integrated cloud ice TCOLI_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCOLI 200 201
Column integrated rain TCOLR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCOLR 200 202
Column integrated snow TCOLS_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCOLS 200 203
Column integrated total condensate TCOLC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCOLC 200 204
Column integrated cloud water CWAT_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR CWAT 200 575
U component storm motion USTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND USTM 106 163
V component storm motion VSTM_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND VSTM 106 164
Accumulated total precipitation ACM_APCP_ON_SURFACE APCP 1 87
Accumulated convective precipitation ACM_ACPCP_ON_SURFACE ACPCP 1 33
Accumulated grid-scale precipitation ACM_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE NCPCP 1 34
Accumulated snowfall ACM_WEASD_ON_SURFACE WEASD 1 35
Accumulated large scale snow Not currently available for grib2 NA 1 244
Accumulated total snow melt ACM_SNOM_ON_SURFACE SNOM 1 121
Precipitation type (4 types) – instantaneous INST_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE CRAIN 1 160
Precipitation rate - instantaneous INST_PRATE_ON_SURFACE PRATE 1 167
Composite radar reflectivity* REFC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS REFC 200 252
Low level cloud fraction LCDC_ON_LOW_CLOUD_LYR LCDC 214 37
Mid level cloud fraction MCDC_ON_MID_CLOUD_LYR MCDC 224 38
High level cloud fraction HCDC_ON_HIGH_CLOUD_LYR HCDC 234 39
Total cloud fraction INST_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCDC 200 161
Time-averaged total cloud fraction AVE_TCDC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCDC 200 144
Time-averaged stratospheric cloud fraction AVE_CDLYR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS CDLYR 200 139
Time-averaged convective cloud fraction AVE_CDCON_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS CDCON 200 143
Cloud bottom pressure PRES_ON_CLOUD_BASE PRES 2 148
Cloud top pressure PRES_ON_CLOUD_TOP PRES 3 149
Cloud bottom height (above MSL) HGT_ON_CLOUD_BASE HGT 2 178
Cloud top height (above MSL) HGT_ON_CLOUD_TOP HGT 3 179
Convective cloud bottom pressure PRES_ON_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL PRES 242 188
Convective cloud top pressure PRES_ON_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL PRES 243 189
Shallow convective cloud bottom pressure PRES_ON_SHALL_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL PRES 248 190
Shallow convective cloud top pressure PRES_ON_SHALL_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL PRES 249 191
Deep convective cloud bottom pressure PRES_ON_DEEP_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL PRES 251 192
Deep convective cloud top pressure PRES_ON_DEEP_CONVECTIVE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL PRES 252 193
Grid scale cloud bottom pressure PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_BOT_LVL PRES 206 194
Grid scale cloud top pressure PRES_ON_GRID_SCALE_CLOUD_TOP_LVL PRES 207 195
Convective cloud fraction CDCON_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS CDCON 200 196
Convective cloud efficiency CUEFI_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR CUEFI 200 197
Above-ground height of LCL HGT_ON_LVL_OF_ADIAB_COND_FROM_SFC HGT 5 109
Cloud top temperature TMP_ON_CLOUD_TOP TMP 3 168
Temperature tendency from radiative fluxes TTRAD_ON_HYBRID_LVL TTRAD 109 140
Temperature tendency from shortwave radiative flux SWHR_ON_HYBRID_LVL SWHR 109 40
Temperature tendency from longwave radiative flux LWHR_ON_HYBRID_LVL LWHR 109 41
Outgoing surface shortwave radiation - instantaneous INST_USWRF_ON_SURFACE USWRF 1 141
Outgoing surface longwave radiation - instantaneous INST_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE ULWRF 1 142
Incoming surface shortwave radiation - time-averaged AVE_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE DSWRF 1 126
Incoming surface longwave radiation - time-averaged AVE_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE DLWRF 1 127
Outgoing surface shortwave radiation - time-averaged AVE_USWRF_ON_SURFACE USWRF 1 128
Outgoing surface longwave radiation - time-averaged AVE_ULWRF_ON_SURFACE ULWRF 1 129
Outgoing model top shortwave radiation - time-averaged AVE_USWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS USWRF 8 130
Outgoing model top longwave radiation - time-averaged AVE_ULWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS ULWRF 8 131
Incoming surface shortwave radiation - instantaneous INST_DSWRF_ON_SURFACE DSWRF 1 156
Incoming surface longwave radiation - instantaneous INST_DLWRF_ON_SURFACE DLWRF 1 157
Roughness length SFCR_ON_SURFACE SFCR 1 44
Friction velocity FRICV_ON_SURFACE FRICV 1 45
Surface drag coefficient CD_ON_SURFACE CD 1 132
Surface u wind stress UFLX_ON_SURFACE UFLX 1 133
Surface v wind stress VFLX_ON_SURFACE VFLX 1 134
Surface sensible heat flux - time-averaged AVE_SHTFL_ON_SURFACE SHTFL 1 43
Ground heat flux - time-averaged AVE_GFLUX_ON_SURFACE GFLUX 1 135
Surface latent heat flux - time-averaged AVE_LHTFL_ON_SURFACE LHTFL 1 42
Surface momentum flux - time-averaged AVE_MFLX_ON_SURFACE MFLX 1 46
Accumulated surface evaporation ACM_EVP_ON_SURFACE EVP 1 47
Surface sensible heat flux – instantaneous INST_SHTFL_ON_SURFACE SHTFL 1 154
Surface latent heat flux - instantaneous INST_LHTFL_ON_SURFACE LHTFL 1 155
Land sea mask (land=1 sea=0) LAND_ON_SURFACE LAND 1 50
Sea ice mask ICEC_ON_SURFACE ICEC 1 51
Surface midday albedo ALBDO_ON_SURFACE ALBDO 1 150
Sea surface temperature WTMP_ON_SURFACE WTMP 1 151
Press at tropopause PRES_ON_TROPOPAUSE PRES 7 54
Temperature at tropopause TMP_ON_TROPOPAUSE TMP 7 55
Potential temperature at tropopause POT_ON_TROPOPAUSE POT 7 108
U wind at tropopause UGRD_ON_TROPOPAUSE UGRD 7 56
V wind at tropopause VGRD_ON_TROPOPAUSE VGRD 7 57
Wind shear at tropopause VWSH_ON_TROPOPAUSE VWSH 7 58
Height at tropopause HGT_ON_TROPOPAUSE HGT 7 177
Temperature at flight levels TMP_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL TMP 103 59
U wind at flight levels UGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL UGRD 103 60
V wind at flight levels VGRD_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL VGRD 103 61
Freezing level height (above mean sea level) HGT_ON_0C_ISOTHERM HGT 4 62
Freezing level RH RH_ON_0C_ISOTHERM RH 4 63
Highest freezing level height HGT_ON_HGHST_TROP_FRZ_LVL HGT 204 165
Pressure in boundary layer (30 mb mean) PRES_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND PRES 116 67
Temperature in boundary layer (30 mb mean) TMP_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND TMP 116 68
Potential temperature in boundary layers (30 mb mean) POT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND POT 116 69
Dew point temperature in boundary layer (30 mb mean) DPT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND DPT 116 70
Specific humidity in boundary layer (30 mb mean) SPFH_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND SPFH 116 71
RH in boundary layer (30 mb mean) RH_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND RH 116 72
Moisture convergence in boundary layer (30 mb mean) MCONV_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND MCONV 116 88
Precipitable water in boundary layer (30 mb mean) PWAT_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND PWAT 116 89
U wind in boundary layer (30 mb mean) UGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND UGRD 116 73
V wind in boundary layer (30 mb mean) VGRD_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND VGRD 116 74
Omega in boundary layer (30 mb mean) VVEL_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND VVEL 116 90
Visibility VIS_ON_SURFACE VIS 1 180
Vegetation type VGTYP_ON_SURFACE VGTYP 1 218
Canopy conductance CCOND_ON_SURFACE CCOND 1 220
Snow depth SNOD_ON_SURFACE SNOD 1 224
Liquid soil moisture SOILL_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC SOILL 112 225
Snow free albedo SNFALB_ON_SURFACE SNFALB 1 226
Maximum snow albedo MXSALB_ON_SURFACE MXSALB 1 227
Canopy water evaporation EVCW_ON_SURFACE EVCW 1 228
Direct soil evaporation EVBS_ON_SURFACE EVBS 1 229
Plant transpiration TRANS_ON_SURFACE TRANS 1 230
Snow sublimation SBSNO_ON_SURFACE SBSNO 1 231
Air dry soil moisture SMDRY_ON_SURFACE SMDRY 1 232
Soil moist porosity POROS_ON_SURFACE POROS 1 233
Minimum stomatal resistance RSMIN_ON_SURFACE RSMIN 1 234
Number of root layers RLYRS_ON_SURFACE RLYRS 1 235
Soil moist wilting point WILT_ON_SURFACE WILT 1 236
Soil moist reference SMREF_ON_SURFACE SMREF 1 237
Canopy conductance - solar component RCS_ON_SURFACE RCS 1 238
Canopy conductance - temperature component RCT_ON_SURFACE RCT 1 239
Canopy conductance - humidity component RCQ_ON_SURFACE RCQ 1 240
Canopy conductance - soil component RCSOL_ON_SURFACE RCSOL 1 241
Potential evaporation PEVPR_ON_SURFACE PEVPR 1 242
Heat diffusivity on sigma surface VEDH_ON_SIGMA_LVLS VEDH 107 243
Surface wind gust GUST_ON_SURFACE GUST 1 245
Convective precipitation rate CPRAT_ON_SURFACE CPRAT 1 249
Radar reflectivity at certain above ground heights* REFD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND REFD 105 253
Total soil moisture SOILM_ON_DEPTH_BEL_LAND_SFC SOILM 112 36
Plant canopy surface water CNWAT_ON_SURFACE CNWAT 1 118
Accumulated storm surface runoff ACM_SSRUN_ON_SURFACE SSRUN 1 122
Accumulated baseflow runoff ACM_BGRUN_ON_SURFACE BGRUN 1 123
Fraction of frozen precipitation CPOFP_ON_SURFACE CPOFP 1 172
GSD Cloud Base pressure Not currently available for grib2 NA 2 787
GSD Cloud Top pressure GSD_PRES_ON_CLOUD_TOP PRES 3 406
Averaged temperature tendency from grid scale latent heat release AVE_LRGHR_ON_HYBRID_LVL LRGHR 109 78
Averaged temperature tendency from convective latent heat release AVE_CNVHR_ON_HYBRID_LVL CNVHR 109 79
Average snow phase change heat flux AVE_SNOHF_ON_SURFACE SNOHF 1 136
Accumulated potential evaporation ACM_PEVAP_ON_SURFACE PEVAP 1 137
Highest freezing level relative humidity RH_ON_HGHST_TROP_FRZ_LVL RH 204 350
Maximum wind pressure level PRES_ON_MAX_WIND PRES 6 173
Maximum wind height HGT_ON_MAX_WIND HGT 6 174
U-component of maximum wind UGRD_ON_MAX_WIND UGRD 6 175
V-component of maximum wind VGRD_ON_MAX_WIND VGRD 6 176
GSD cloud base height GSD_HGT_ON_CLOUD_BASE HGT 2 408
GSD cloud top height GSD_HGT_ON_CLOUD_TOP HGT 3 409
GSD visibility GSD_VIS_ON_CLOUD_TOP VIS 3 410
Wind energy potential WMIXE_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND WMIXE 105 411
U wind at 80 m above ground UGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND UGRD 105 412
V wind at 80 m above ground VGRD_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND VGRD 105 413
Graupel on model surface GRMR_ON_HYBRID_LVL GRMR 109 415
Graupel on pressure surface GRMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC GRMR 100 416
Maximum updraft helicity MAX_UPHL_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2-5km MXUPHL 106 420
Maximum 1km reflectivity MAX_REF_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_1km MAXREF 105 421
Maximum wind speed at 10m MAX_WIND_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m WIND 105 422
Maximum updraft vertical velocity MAX_MAXUVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_40-100hpa MAXUVV 106 423
Maximum downdraft vertical velocity MAX_MAXDVV_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC_40-100hpa MAXDVV 106 424
Mean vertical velocity AVE_DZDT_ON_SIGMA_LVL_0.5-0.8 DZDT 108 425
Radar echo top in KDT HGT_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND HGT 105 426
Updraft helicity UPHL_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2-5km MXUPHL 106 427
Column integrated graupel GRMR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR GRMR 200 428
Column integrated maximum graupel MAXVIG_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR TCOLG 200 429
U-component of 0-1km level wind shear VUCSH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_0-1km VUCSH 106 430
V-component of 0-1km level wind shear VVCSH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_0-1km VVCSH 106 431
U-component of 0-6km level wind shear VUCSH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_0-6km VUCSH 106 432
V-component of 0-6km level wind shear VVCSH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_0-6km VVCSH 106 433
Total precipitation accumulated over user-specified bucket BUCKET_APCP_ON_SURFACE APCP 1 434
Convective precipitation accumulated over user-specified bucket BUCKET_ACPCP_ON_SURFACE ACPCP 1 435
Grid-scale precipitation accumulated over user-specified bucket BUCKET_NCPCP_ON_SURFACE NCPCP 1 436
Snow accumulated over user-specified bucket BUCKET_WEASD_ON_SURFACE WEASD 1 437
Model level fraction of rain for Ferrier scheme FRAIN_ON_HYBRID_LVL FRAIN 109 185
Model level fraction of ice for Ferrier scheme FICE_ON_HYBRID_LVL FICE 109 186
Model level riming factor for Ferrier scheme RIME_ON_HYBRID_LVL RIME 109 187
Model level total condensate for Ferrier scheme TCOND_ON_HYBRID_LVL TCOND 109 199
Height of sigma surface HGT_ON_SIGMA_LVLS HGT 107 205
Temperature on sigma surface TMP_ON_SIGMA_LVLS TMP 107 206
Specific humidity on sigma surface SPFH_ON_SIGMA_LVLS SPFH 107 207
U-wind on sigma surface UGRD_ON_SIGMA_LVLS UGRD 107 208
V-wind on sigma surface VGRD_ON_SIGMA_LVLS VGRD 107 209
Omega on sigma surface VVEL_ON_SIGMA_LVLS VVEL 107 210
Cloud water on sigma surface CLWMR_ON_SIGMA_LVLS CLWMR 107 211
Cloud ice on sigma surface CICE_ON_SIGMA_LVLS CICE 107 212
Rain on sigma surface RWMR_ON_SIGMA_LVLS RWMR 107 213
Snow on sigma surface SNMR_ON_SIGMA_LVLS SNMR 107 214
Condensate on sigma surface TCOND_ON_SIGMA_LVLS TCOND 107 215
Pressure on sigma surface PRES_ON_SIGMA_LVLS PRES 107 216
Turbulent kinetic energy on sigma surface TKE_ON_SIGMA_LVLS TKE 107 217
Cloud fraction on sigma surface TCDC_ON_SIGMA_LVLS TCDC 107 222
Graupel on sigma surface GRLE_ON_SIGMA_LVLS GRLE 107 255
LCL level pressure PLPL_ON_SPEC_PRES_ABOVE_GRND PLPL 116 246
Leaf area index LAI_ON_SURFACE LAI 1 254
Accumulated land surface model precipitation ACM_LSPA_ON_SURFACE LSPA 1 256
In-flight icing TIPD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TIPD 100 257
Clear air turbulence TPFI_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TPFI 100 258
Wind shear between shelter level and 2000 FT VWSH_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND VWSH 106 259
Flight restriction VIS_ON_CLOUD_BASE VIS 2 261
Instantaneous clear sky incoming surface shortwave INST_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE CSDSF 1 262
Pressure level riming factor for Ferrier scheme RIME_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC RIME 100 263
Model level vertical velocity DZDT_ON_HYBRID_LVL DZDT 109 264
Brightness temperature SBT122_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS_FROM_LWRAD SBT122 8 265
Average albedo AVE_ALBDO_ON_SURFACE ALBDO 1 266
Ozone on model surface O3MR_ON_HYBRID_LVL O3MR 109 267
Ozone on pressure surface O3MR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC O3MR 100 268
Surface zonal momentum flux AVE_UFLX_ON_SURFACE UFLX 1 269
Surface meridional momentum flux AVE_VFLX_ON_SURFACE VFLX 1 270
Average precipitation rate AVE_PRATE_ON_SURFACE PRATE 1 271
Average convective precipitation rate AVE_CPRAT_ON_SURFACE CPRAT 1 272
Instantaneous outgoing longwave at top of atmosphere INST_ULWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS ULWRF 8 274
Total spectrum brightness temperature BRTMP_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS BRTMP 8 275
Model top pressure PRES_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS PRES 8 282
Composite rain radar reflectivity REFZR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS REFZR 200 276
Composite ice radar reflectivity REFZI_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS REFZI 200 277
Composite radar reflectivity from convection REFZC_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS REFZC 200 278
Rain radar reflecting angle REFZR_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND REFZR 105 279
Ice radar reflecting angle REFZI_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND REFZI 105 280
Convection radar reflecting angle REFZC_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND REFZC 105 281
Model level vertical velocity DZDT_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC DZDT 100 284
Column integrated super cool liquid water TCLSW_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCLSW 200 285
Column integrated melting ice TCOLM_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS TCOLM 200 286
Height of lowest level super cool liquid water HGT_ON_LWST_BOT_LVL_OF_SUPERCOOLED_LIQ_WATER_LYR HGT 253 287
Height of highest level super cool liquid water HGT_ON_HGHST_TOP_LVL_OF_SUPERCOOLED_LIQ_WATER_LYR HGT 254 288
Richardson number planetary boundary layer height HGT_ON_PLANETARY_BOUND_LYR HGT 220 289
Total column shortwave temperature tendency SWHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS SWHR 200 290
Total column longwave temperature tendency LWHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS LWHR 200 291
Total column gridded temperature tendency AVE_LRGHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS LRGHR 200 292
Total column convective temperature tendency AVE_CNVHR_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS CNVHR 200 293
Radiative flux temperature tendency on pressure level TTRAD_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TTRAD 100 294
Column integrated moisture convergence MCONV_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS MCONV 200 295
Time averaged clear sky incoming UV-B shortwave AVE_CDUVB_ON_SURFACE CDUVB 1 297
Time averaged incoming UV-B shortwave AVE_DUVB_ON_SURFACE DUVB 1 298
Average low cloud fraction AVE_TCDC_ON_LOW_CLOUD_LYR TCDC 214 300
Average mid cloud fraction AVE_TCDC_ON_MID_CLOUD_LYR TCDC 224 301
Average high cloud fraction AVE_TCDC_ON_HIGH_CLOUD_LYR TCDC 234 302
Average low cloud bottom pressure AVE_PRES_ON_LOW_CLOUD_BOT_LVL PRES 212 303
Average low cloud top pressure AVE_PRES_ON_LOW_CLOUD_TOP_LVL PRES 213 304
Average low cloud top temperature AVE_TMP_ON_LOW_CLOUD_TOP_LVL TMP 213 305
Average mid cloud bottom pressure AVE_PRES_ON_MID_CLOUD_BOT_LVL PRES 222 306
Average mid cloud top pressure AVE_PRES_ON_MID_CLOUD_TOP_LVL PRES 223 307
Average mid cloud top temperature AVE_TMP_ON_MID_CLOUD_TOP_LVL TMP 223 308
Average high cloud bottom pressure AVE_PRES_ON_HIGH_CLOUD_BOT_LVL PRES 232 309
Average high cloud top pressure AVE_PRES_ON_HIGH_CLOUD_TOP_LVL PRES 233 310
Average high cloud top temperature AVE_TMP_ON_HIGH_CLOUD_TOP_LVL TMP 233 311
Total column relative humidity RH_ON_ENTIRE_ATMOS_SINGLE_LYR RH 200 312
Temperature at maximum wind level TMP_ON_MAX_WIND TMP 6 314
Time averaged zonal gravity wave stress AVE_U-GWD_ON_SURFACE U-GWD 1 315
Time averaged meridional gravity wave stress AVE_V-GWD_ON_SURFACE V-GWD 1 316
Average precipitation type AVE_CRAIN_ON_SURFACE CRAIN 1 317
Simulated GOES 12 channel 2 brightness temperature SBT122_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT122 8 327
Simulated GOES 12 channel 3 brightness temperature SBT123_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT123 8 328
Simulated GOES 12 channel 4 brightness temperature SBT124_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT124 8 329
Simulated GOES 12 channel 5 brightness temperature SBT126_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT126 8 330
Cloud fraction on pressure surface TCDC_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TCDC 100 331
U-wind on theta surface UGRD_ON_ISENTROPIC_LVL UGRD 113 332
V-wind on theta surface VGRD_ON_ISENTROPIC_LVL VGRD 113 333
Temperature on theta surface TMP_ON_ISENTROPIC_LVL TMP 113 334
Potential vorticity on theta surface PVORT_ON_ISENTROPIC_LVL PVORT 113 335
Montgomery streamfunction on theta surface MNTSF_ON_ISENTROPIC_LVL MNTSF 113 353
Relative humidity on theta surface RH_ON_ISENTROPIC_LVL RH 113 352
U wind on constant PV surface UGRD_ON_POT_VORT_SFC UGRD 117 336
V wind on constant PV surface VGRD_ON_POT_VORT_SFC VGRD 117 337
Temperature on constant PV surface TMP_ON_POT_VORT_SFC TMP 117 338
Height on constant PV surface HGT_ON_POT_VORT_SFC HGT 117 339
Pressure on constant PV surface PRES_ON_POT_VORT_SFC PRES 117 340
Wind shear on constant PV surface VWSH_ON_POT_VORT_SFC VWSH 117 341
Planetary boundary layer cloud fraction AVE_TCDC_ON_BOUND_LYR_CLOUD_LYR TCDC 211 342
Average water runoff ACM_WATR_ON_SURFACE WATR 1 343
Planetary boundary layer regime PBLREG_ON_SURFACE PBLREG 1 344
Maximum 2m temperature MAX_TMAX_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m TMAX 105 345
Minimum 2m temperature MIN_TMIN_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_2m TMIN 105 346
Ice thickness ICETK_ON_SURFACE ICETK 1 349
Shortwave tendency on pressure surface SWHR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC SWHR 100 354
Longwave tendency on pressure surface LWHR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC LWHR 100 355
Deep convective tendency on pressure surface CNVHR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC CNVHR 100 357
Shallow convective tendency on pressure surface SHAHR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC SHAHR 100 358
Grid scale tendency on pressure surface LRGHR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC LRGHR 100 359
Deep convective moisture on pressure surface CNVMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC CNVMR 100 361
Shallow convective moisture on pressure surface SHAMR_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC SHAMR 100 362
Ozone tendency on pressure surface TOZ_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC TOZ 100 366
Mass weighted potential vorticity PVMW_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC PVMW 100 367
Simulated GOES 12 channel 3 brightness count SBC123_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBC123 8 376
Simulated GOES 12 channel 4 brightness count SBC124_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBC124 8 377
Omega on theta surface VVEL_ON_ISENTROPIC_LVL VVEL 113 378
Mixing height MIXHT_ON_SURFACE MIXHT 1 381
Average clear-sky incoming longwave at surface AVE_CSDLF_ON_SURFACE CSDLF 1 382
Average clear-sky incoming shortwave at surface AVE_CSDSF_ON_SURFACE CSDSF 1 383
Average clear-sky outgoing longwave at surface AVE_CSULF_ON_SURFACE CSULF 1 384
Average clear-sky outgoing longwave at top of atmosphere AVE_CSULF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS CSULF 8 385
Average clear-sky outgoing shortwave at surface AVE_CSUSF_ON_SURFACE CSUSF 1 386
Average clear-sky outgoing shortwave at top of atmosphere AVE_CSUSF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS CSUSF 8 387
Average incoming shortwave at top of atmosphere AVE_DSWRF_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS DSWRF 8 388
Transport wind u component UGRD_ON_PLANETARY_BOUND_LYR UGRD 220 389
Transport wind v component VGRD_ON_PLANETARY_BOUND_LYR VGRD 220 390
Sunshine duration SUNSD_ON_SURFACE SUNSD 1 396
Field capacity FLDCP_ON_SURFACE FLDCP 1 397
ICAO height at maximum wind level ICAHT_ON_MAX_WIND ICAHT 6 398
ICAO height at tropopause ICAHT_ON_TROPOPAUSE ICAHT 7 399
Time averaged surface Visible beam downward solar flux AVE_VBDSF_ON_SURFACE VBDSF 1 401
Time averaged surface Visible diffuse downward solar flux AVE_VDDSF_ON_SURFACE VDDSF 1 402
Time averaged surface Near IR beam downward solar flux AVE_NBDSF_ON_SURFACE NBDSF 1 403
Time averaged surface Near IR diffuse downward solar flux AVE_NDDSF_ON_SURFACE NDDSF 1 404
Average snowfall rate AVE_SRWEQ_ON_SURFACE SRWEQ 1 405
Dust 1 on pressure surface DUST1_ON_ISOBARIC_LVL MASSMR 100 438
Dust 2 on pressure surface DUST2_ON_ISOBARIC_LVL MASSMR 100 439
Dust 3 on pressure surface DUST3_ON_ISOBARIC_LVL MASSMR 100 440
Dust 4 on pressure surface DUST4_ON_ISOBARIC_LVL MASSMR 100 441
Dust 5 on pressure surface DUST5_ON_ISOBARIC_LVL MASSMR 100 442
Equilibrium level height HGT_ON_EQUIL_LVL HGT 247 443
Lightning LTNG_ON_SURFACE LTNG 1 444
Goes west channel 2 brightness temperature SBT112_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT112 8 446
Goes west channel 3 brightness temperature SBT113_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT113 8 447
Goes west channel 4 brightness temperature SBT114_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT114 8 448
Goes west channel 5 brightness temperature SBT115_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT115 8 449
In flight icing from NCAR algorithm ICIP_ON_ISOBARIC_SFC ICIP 100 450
Specific humidity at flight levels SPFH_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL SPFH 103 451
Virtual temperature based convective available potential energy VTCAPE_ON_SURFACE CAPE 1 452
Virtual temperature based convective inhibition VTCIN_ON_SURFACE CIN 1 453
Virtual temperature on model surfaces Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 909
Virtual temperature on pressure surfaces Not currently available for grib2 NA 100 910
Virtual temperature on flight levels Not currently available for grib2 NA 103 911
Pressure at flight levels PRES_ON_SPEC_ALT_ABOVE_MEAN_SEA_LVL PRES 103 482
Time-averaged percentage snow cover AVE_SNOWC_ON_SURFACE SNOWC 1 500
Time-averaged surface pressure AVE_PRES_ON_SURFACE PRES 1 501
Time-averaged 10m temperature AVE_TMP_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m TMP 105 502
Time-averaged mass exchange coefficient AVE_AKHS_ON_SURFACE AKHS 1 503
Time-averaged wind exchange coefficient AVE_AKMS_ON_SURFACE AKMS 1 504
Temperature at 10m TMP_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m TMP 105 505
Maximum U-component wind at 10m MAX_MAXUW_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m MAXUW 105 506
Maximum V-component wind at 10m MAX_MAXVW_ON_SPEC_HGT_LVL_ABOVE_GRND_10m MAXVW 105 507
Simulated GOES 12 channel 2 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction NON_NADIR_SBT122_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT122 8 456
Simulated GOES 12 channel 3 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction NON_NADIR_SBT123_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT123 8 457
Simulated GOES 12 channel 4 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction NON_NADIR_SBT124_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT124 8 458
Simulated GOES 12 channel 5 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction NON_NADIR_SBT126_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT126 8 459
Simulated GOES 11 channel 2 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction SBT112_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT112 8 460
Simulated GOES 11 channel 3 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction SBT113_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT113 8 461
Simulated GOES 11 channel 4 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction SBT114_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT114 8 462
Simulated GOES 11 channel 5 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction SBT115_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBT115 8 463
Simulated GOES 15 channel 5 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 872
Simulated GOES 13 channel 2 brightness temperature with satellite angle correction Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 868
Simulated AMSR-E channel 9 brightness temperature AMSRE9_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS AMSRE9 8 483
Simulated AMSR-E channel 10 brightness temperature AMSRE10_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS AMSRE10 8 484
Simulated AMSR-E channel 11 brightness temperature AMSRE11_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS AMSRE11 8 485
Simulated AMSR-E channel 12 brightness temperature AMSRE12_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS AMSRE12 8 486
SSMI F13 (19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 800
SSMI F14 (19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 806
SSMI F15 (19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 812
SSMIS F16 (183H 19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 818
SSMIS F17 (183H 19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 825
SSMIS F18 (183H 19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 832
SSMIS F19 (183H 19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 839
SSMIS F20 (183H 19H 19V 37H 37V 85H 85V) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 846
MTSAT-1r imager channels 1-4 (backup for mtsat2) Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 864
MTSAT2 imager channels 1-4 Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 860
Seviri brightness temperature channels 5-11 Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 876
Insat 3d brightness temperature IR channels 1-4 Not currently available for grib2 NA 109 865
Simulated GOES 16 band 7 brightness temperature SBTA167_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA167 109 927
Simulated GOES 16 band 8 brightness temperature SBTA168_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA168 109 928
Simulated GOES 16 band 9 brightness temperature SBTA169_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA169 109 929
Simulated GOES 16 band 10 brightness temperature SBTA1610_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1610 109 930
Simulated GOES 16 band 11 brightness temperature SBTA1611_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1611 109 931
Simulated GOES 16 band 12 brightness temperature SBTA1612_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1612 109 932
Simulated GOES 16 band 13 brightness temperature SBTA1613_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1613 109 933
Simulated GOES 16 band 14 brightness temperature SBTA1614_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1614 109 934
Simulated GOES 16 band 15 brightness temperature SBTA1615_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1615 109 935
Simulated GOES 16 band 16 brightness temperature SBTA1616_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1616 109 936
Simulated GOES 17 band 7 brightness temperature SBTA177_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA177 109 937
Simulated GOES 17 band 8 brightness temperature SBTA178_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA178 109 938
Simulated GOES 17 band 9 brightness temperature SBTA179_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA179 109 939
Simulated GOES 17 band 10 brightness temperature SBTA1710_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1710 109 940
Simulated GOES 17 band 11 brightness temperature SBTA1711_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1711 109 941
Simulated GOES 17 band 12 brightness temperature SBTA1712_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1712 109 942
Simulated GOES 17 band 13 brightness temperature SBTA1713_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1713 109 943
Simulated GOES 17 band 14 brightness temperature SBTA1714_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1714 109 944
Simulated GOES 17 band 15 brightness temperature SBTA1715_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1715 109 945
Simulated GOES 17 band 16 brightness temperature SBTA1716_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTA1716 109 946
Simulated GOES R band 7 brightness temperature SBTAGR7_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR7 109 958
Simulated GOES R band 8 brightness temperature SBTAGR8_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR8 109 959
Simulated GOES R band 9 brightness temperature SBTAGR9_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR9 109 960
Simulated GOES R band 10 brightness temperature SBTAGR10_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR10 109 961
Simulated GOES R band 11 brightness temperature SBTAGR11_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR11 109 962
Simulated GOES R band 12 brightness temperature SBTAGR12_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR12 109 963
Simulated GOES R band 13 brightness temperature SBTAGR13_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR13 109 964
Simulated GOES R band 14 brightness temperature SBTAGR14_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR14 109 965
Simulated GOES R band 15 brightness temperature SBTAGR15_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR15 109 966
Simulated GOES R band 16 brightness temperature SBTAGR16_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAGR16 109 967
Simulated Himawari-8 band 7 brightness temperature SBTAHI7_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI7 109 969
Simulated Himawari-8 band 8 brightness temperature SBTAHI8_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI8 109 970
Simulated Himawari-8 band 9 brightness temperature SBTAHI9_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI9 109 971
Simulated Himawari-8 band 10 brightness temperature SBTAHI10_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI10 109 972
Simulated Himawari-8 band 11 brightness temperature SBTAHI11_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI11 109 973
Simulated Himawari-8 band 12 brightness temperature SBTAHI12_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI12 109 974
Simulated Himawari-8 band 13 brightness temperature SBTAHI13_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI13 109 975
Simulated Himawari-8 band 14 brightness temperature SBTAHI14_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI14 109 976
Simulated Himawari-8 band 15 brightness temperature SBTAHI15_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI15 109 977
Simulated Himawari-8 band 16 brightness temperature SBTAHI16_ON_TOP_OF_ATMOS SBTAHI16 109 978