********** Regridding ********** Users who wish to interpolate their UPP output to a different grid may do so with the *wgrib2* utility. The general format for re-gridding to various common projections are outlined in the following examples. *Wgrib2* is a versatile program that has the ability to convert grib2 files from one grid to another for various user-defined grids as well as pre-defined :term:`NCEP` grids. Complete documentation with examples of re-gridding for all available grid definitions can be found at: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/new_grid.html .. _Examples-of-wgrib2: ================== Examples of wgrib2 ================== **Example 1: Latitude-Longitude Grid** ``-new_grid latlon lon0:nlon:dlon lat0:nlat:dlat outfile`` +----------+------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +==========+==========================================+ | lon0 | Longitude of first grid point in degrees | +----------+------------------------------------------+ | nlon | Number of longitudes | +----------+------------------------------------------+ | dlon | Grid resolution in degrees of longitude | +----------+------------------------------------------+ | lat0 | Latitude of first grid point in degrees | +----------+------------------------------------------+ | nlat | Number of latitudes | +----------+------------------------------------------+ | dlat | Grid resolution in degrees of latitude | +----------+------------------------------------------+ **Example 2: Lambert Conic Conformal Grid** ``-new_grid lambert:lov:latin1:latin2 lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy outfile`` +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +==========+=================================================================+ | lov | Longitude where y-axis is parallel to meridian in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | latin1 | First latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | latin2 | Second latitude from pole which cuts the secant cone in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | lon0 | Longitude of the first grid point in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | nx | Total number of grid points along x | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | dx | Grid cell size in meters in x direction | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | lat0 | Latitude of the first grid point in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ny | Total number of grid points along y | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | dy | Grid cell size in meters in y direction | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ **Example 3: Polar Stereographic Grid** ``-new_grid nps:lov:lad lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy outfile`` OR ``-new_grid sps:lov:lad lon0:nx:dx lat0:ny:dy outfile`` +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +==========+===========================================================+ | nps/sps | North/south polar stereographic | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | lov | Longitude where y-axis is parallel to meridian in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | lad | Latitude where dx and dy are specified | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | lon0 | Longitude of the first grid point in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | nx | Total number of grid points along x | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | dx | Grid cell distance in meters in x direction at lad | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | lat0 | Latitude of the first grid point in degrees | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | ny | Total number of grid points along y | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | dy | Grid cell distance in meters in y direction at lad | +----------+-----------------------------------------------------------+ **Winds** ``-new_grid_winds grid`` OR ``-new_grid_winds earth`` +----------+----------------------------------------------+ | Variable | Description | +==========+==============================================+ | grid | U-wind goes from grid (i,J) to (i+1,j) | +----------+----------------------------------------------+ | earth | U-wind goes eastward, V-wind goes northward | +----------+----------------------------------------------+ **Interpolation** The default interpolation type is bilinear, but it can be set to another type (e.g., neighbor, budget). ``-new_grid_interpolation type`` **Operational Example** Interpolates to a 0.25 degree latitude-longitude grid using various interpolation types depending on the variable. .. code-block:: console wgrib2 infile -set_grib_type same -new_grid_winds earth | -new_grid_interpolation bilinear | -if ":(CRAIN|CICEP|CFRZR|CSNOW|ICSEV):" -new_grid_interpolation neighbor -fi | -set_bitmap 1 -set_grib_max_bits 16 | -if ":(APCP|ACPCP|PRATE|CPRAT):" -set_grib_max_bits 25 -fi | -if ":(APCP|ACPCP|PRATE|CPRAT|DZDT):" -new_grid_interpolation budget -fi | -new_grid "latlon 0:1440:0.25 90:721:-0.25" outfile .. note:: *wgrib2* is not distributed as part of the :term:`UFS`, but it can be installed via :term:`HPC-Stack` or :term:`spack-stack` along with other UFS prerequisite software. Users may also download and install it directly from http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib2/.