4. Building Stand-Alone

The UPP uses a CMake-based build system to integrate all the required components for building the UPP. Once built, the UPP can be run stand-alone (outside the UFS Applications) to post-process model output.

4.1. Software Requirements

The UPP is tested on a variety of research platforms, including NOAA HPC systems (e.g., Hera, Orion) and the NCAR HPC Cheyenne. These supported platforms are pre-configured for building and running the UPP and already have the required libraries available via HPC-Stack in a centralized location. The HPC-Stack is a script-based build system that builds the software stack required by UFS components.

Users working on unsupported platforms will need to install the HPC-Stack on their system and can do so following the instructions in the HPC-Stack User’s Guide.


UFS applications are gradually shifting to spack-stack, which is a Spack-based method for installing the same UFS prerequisite software libraries installed by HPC-Stack. The spack-stack is currently used on NOAA Cloud platforms and in containerized UFS applications, while HPC-Stack is still used on other Level 1 systems and is the software stack validated by the UFS Weather Model. Users are encouraged to check out spack-stack to prepare for the upcoming shift in support from HPC-Stack to spack-stack. Users can install spack-spack instead of HPC-Stack by following the instructions in the spack-stack User’s Guide <https://spack-stack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>.

4.1.1. Common Modules

As of June 14, 2023, the UPP uses the following common modules from HPC-Stack:

cmake 3.16.1+
netcdf 4.7.4
jasper 2.0.22+
libpng 1.6.37 / png 1.6.35
zlib 1.2.11
g2 3.4.1+
g2tmpl 1.10.0+
bacio 2.4.1
ip 3.3.3
sp 2.3.3
crtm 2.3.0
w3emc 2.9.2
nemsio 2.5.2+
sigio 2.3.2
sfcio 1.4.1
wrf_io 1.1.1+

The most updated list of modules can be viewed in each machine’s modulefile here. Users on a non-Tier-1 system should look at the modulefile for the system whose architecture most closely resembles their own system’s architecture.

4.2. Obtaining and Installing UPP

Building and running UPP v11.0.0 has been tested and is supported on the following pre-configured platforms.


Compiler and Version

NCAR Cheyenne

Intel 2021.2

GNU 10.1.0



NOAA Orion

Intel 2018.4

To install the UPP, navigate to the directory where you want to install UPP and clone the repository.

git clone -b branch-or-tag-name https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/UPP

where, branch-or-tag-name is the release branch or tag you wish to clone. (Leaving this off the -b argument will clone all branches of the repository.)

Move to the directory with the build script and build the UPP.

cd UPP/tests



To build in debug mode, you can add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug to the cmake_opts parameter in the compile_upp.sh script. This removes compiler optimization flags and adds -g to the fortran compilation. You can also use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELWITHDEBINFO, which gives the -g, but keeps the -O2 optimization for the fortran compilation.

Move back to the top level UPP directory and create a directory where the CRTM fix files will be unpacked. Download the fix files from the GitHub release page or use the wget command. Unpack the tar file.

cd ../
mkdir crtm && cd crtm
wget https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/UPP/releases/download/upp_v11.0.0/fix.tar.gz
tar -xzf fix.tar.gz


To make a clean build, simply remove both the tests/build and tests/install directories and the exec/upp.x executable and then rerun the compile_upp.sh script. This is recommended if a mistake is made during the installation process.